Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What's in a name?

Welcome to Nthano Malawi. If you've made it here I assume you know who I am, and, roughly, why in the world I am in Malawi. Over the coming months I will be using this site to share with all of you the details of my journey, my (few) successes, my (many) failures and my (hopefully) tremendous learning experiences in the "Warm Heart of Africa."

The navigation of the website is fairly simple. I will post pictures when I can, provide you all with links to places I am staying and information for Save the Children, and, of course, update the blog as regularly as my internet connectivity will allow. One disclaimer: I have no idea how well this will all turn out. While I'd like to say that every post will be a well-written, academic, tour de force assessment of my activities, experiences and feelings, I can almost wholeheartedly assure you it will not be anything of the sort. Case in point? My first blog posting is most likely going to be a listing of required listening for an international flight. Just so you know.

As for the name of the blog itself, Nthano, in the Malawian Chichewa dialect, means "A Tale" which, in many cases, translates into a work of fiction. I will attempt to avoid that here (although a heroic story of saving someone from a lion sounds fun, we all know better) and simply explain what I am doing here and what I experience from day-to-day. Hopefully that in itself will weave itself into a readable and interesting Malawian tale. If not, be prepared to hear the fantastic account of my wrestling match with a Hippo.

Enjoy and thanks for reading.