Thursday, September 15, 2011

Travelin' Blues (the good kind) - NOW WITH LINKS!!

At some point, in each of our lives, we have all experienced the nuisances of traveling. The crying baby, the long delays, the chatty neighbor, the turbulent ride, etc. etc. etc. How we cope with each of these is different according to the situation, and for each situation there always seems to be a right and a wrong way to handle them. I've experienced grown men shoving people to get the front of lines, a screaming woman when the flight got bumpy, and of course, a mother who for some reason yelled at her child to stop crying, which only served to exacerbate the situation to an ungodly level of noise and awkwardness.

My favorite way to cope with all this nonsense has always been music. The right song, whether lyrically or musically, can do wonders to either lighten your mood or at the very least, make a situation slightly more bearable. The following is a list of some of my recent favorites - some of which may be more recognizable than others. Regardless, I encourage you to check a few of them out. It may save your sanity.

**Disclaimer** This list is comprised of current songs. We all know the Beatles are amazing and that James Taylor is soothing. You don't need me listing these songs you already know. (And for those who feel like suggesting "Leavin' On A Jet Plane"...shame on you. A healthy eye roll and snort of derision from me to you)

Burn Up The Road by Operator - While I don't plan on putting this list in any order, this would be number one no doubt. It was a favorite of my band's during a long road trip and it translates nicely into air travel as well. Assuming you ignore that whole 'road' part.

'Til You're Gone by The Gabe Dixon Band - Piano driven trio's best song. A little reminder that when played properly, piano is still the most dynamic and funky instrument ever created.

Can't Keep No Good Boy Down by The Parlor Mob - I swear this song was created in the wrong era. Mix of bluegrass, rock, and wicked vocals with a constant background of conversations and random hand clapping. Plus, the lyrics are about the most joyful middle finger I have ever heard.

Short Change Hero by The Heavy - This is my soundtrack song. If ever I am in a movie, no matter what my character is, I want a scene of me walking with this in the background. In fact, if someone could just follow me and have this playing whenever I enter a room, that would be great. Oh and add doves too. Thanks. Sincerely, The Mgmt.

(I just realized I described every scene in John Woo's movies)

Bright Lights by Gary Clark, Jr - Keep your eye on this guy. He is going to be huge. Can sing anything.

Perfect Day by The Constellations - Another soundtrack song. Can't you just see someone walking down the street to this? You simply can't be upset when you listen to this.

Savitri by Roderigo Y Gabriela - Sometimes you just don't need lyrics. For when the 10A to your 10B just won't shut the hell up.

Bodysnatchers by Radiohead - Rob Helfenbein and I had a conversation about this song when we were in Malawi last summer. The opening riff is just perfect. Dynamic and complex and just when you think you've wrapped your head around it, they shift the beat to keep it fresh.

Soul Company by Hogni - A new favorite. But how do you pronounce his name? Hawg-nee? Hodge-nigh? Can I like an artist whose name I can't pronounce?

Letters From the Sky by Civil Twilight - Favorite song by my favorite band out of Africa (South Africa)

A Million Miles by The Thieves - Had to include one song from my favorite band of all time. The build up and harmonies from 3:30 until the end are just epic. Doesn't hurt that the exact distance from Bloomington to Malawi is a million miles too (give or take).

Life On The Outside by Gov't Mule - Not totally sure what Warren is singing about (does anyone ever?) but it doesn't matter. One of the best blues-rock riffs of the past decade.

Odd Soul by Mutemath - This was originally "Blood Pressure" by the same band, but I've found myself listening to this one more so I changed it. Plus, cool video. 

Nobody Moves (Til We Say Go) by Street Sweeper Social Club - The requisite way-too repetitive rock song on the list (and strangely, the second song with "'Til" in the title). Tom Morello and Boots Riley had to write this song after their plane was delayed a fourth time.

I think that's enough for now. Curious to hear some of your favorites though. Feel free to share. About to take off to Ethiopia from DC for a short hop over the Atlantic. The next entry should be from Africa (fingers crossed).

Happy listening.