Monday, September 19, 2011

Coming soon to a blog near you...

So I didn't post yesterday due to the fact that a) I was too tired and lazy all day; b) I watched the Chelsea/Man U football match in the afternoon; and c) was glued to the streaming scores of NFL football in the evening, thus leaving me little chance to tell you exactly how tired and lazy (and let's add unproductive, shall we?) I really was. Today is a work day, and I have already had two meetings this morning at the Save the Children country office, with a few more to go this afternoon, including one with the head of the Malawi Ministry of Education. Wish me luck.

Tomorrow morning (early) I will be leaving Lilongwe and flying to Blantyre where I will be staying for the majority of my visit here in country. Once there I will send a post describing the history of both cities and attempt to describe them a bit in detail so you get a better feel for where I am now, and where I will be for the coming weeks. Both have there own unique feel (as cities are want to do) and the differentiations are pretty interesting.

On a more serious note, there are some things happening across the country that I also will share in a later post, either tonight or tomorrow. I don't mean to make today's entry a poorly edited 'teaser trailer' for the week, but there is a lot to share and I have a lot of opinions on it and want to do it justice. For now all I will say is that Malawi may be undergoing some radical (and important) changes which could affect the entire political and social landscape of the country for years to come. That whet your appetite, enough?

And back to not-so-serious stuff: How 'bout them Lions??? Is it just me, or does it seem wholly unfair that my favorite sports team in the world may have the best season of my lifetime when the closest I get to watching them play is: "Jahvid Best, run up the middle. 7 yards." No matter, they are kickin' butt and I am proud of them nonetheless. Just wait until I break out the Stafford jersey over here. Represent!

Playtime over, back to work: fine-tuning an observation protocol based off of this morning's meetings and feedback. Exciting stuff.