Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Read the Signs

Wow, what a week it has been here. Over the last three days I (along with my latest assigned driver, Julius, and a host of Domasi College of Education research assistants) have visited six schools and observed 12 teachers teaching Chichewa to grades 2, 3, and 4. From the schools, to the students, to the lessons themselves, every moment has been exhilarating and eye-opening. I will write a post at the end of this week detailing some of the highlights from the particular lessons and classes, but I thought the blog (and perhaps you too) could use some mid-week levity.

In Malawi, almost every sign is handprinted and painted, which, by its own right, is quite fascinating to see. When is the last time you've seen a sign advertising a business or giving directions in the US that wasn't computer generated or printed? Ever? I know I can't think of any, which make the artistry of even the simplest sign quite interesting to see. For example (and I will take a picture of both of these), the sign for the lodge I am staying at is hand-drawn with the picture of a bed and the menu in the restaurant is literally made of beans glued onto the wall! Very cool.

It also lends itself to some funny errors and memorable slogans. In fact, I would say that I have seen more memorable slogans since I have been here than I can remember from any other visit overseas. Now, a small disclaimer; I am not attempting to make fun of these signs/slogans/businesses. Ok, yes I am, but not in a mean way. C'mon, some of these are just too unbelievable not to share...

Coffin Workshop and Haberdashery
Huh?!? Makes you wonder about other odd pairings, yes? Nail guns and scarves? Tacos and Zapatos?

Morning View Lodge: Self-Contained Rooms...
Nothing wrong with that right? Wait, ellipses? What are you trying to tell me....

Hair Care Saloon
Now THERE is a place for a man to get a hair cut!

Malawi School of Driving: Only a Short Walk Away!
From anywhere, apparently.

Peter's Lodge: For Your Decent Accommodations and Your Excellent Accommodations!
There has to be a price difference between the two of these, right?

Disco Equipment and Theatre Group for Hire
Okay, there is nothing wrong with this one. I just find the idea funny. And I kind of want to hire them. 

Carlsberg: Probably the Best Beer in the World
Discovered this one last time I was here. But still a favorite. Seems so defeatist. We're good, we promise!

Kuche Kuche Beer: A Good Choice Until Dawn
You can read this two ways. One of those ways makes me laugh out loud. 

MASM Health Clinic: No Jesus, No Life
Kind of selling their own jobs short aren't they? 

[Some Dairy Product]: Creamierrrrr and Milkierrrrrr!
Sponsored by Nelly.

The Whine and Dine Restaurant
Complacency not permitted.

Hope at least one of these made you chuckle. Time for me to go have the best beer in the world (probably).
