Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Embodiment of Fortitude

As a known lover and user of Apple products, I wanted to comment briefly on the passing of Steve Jobs. Jobs was a brilliant creator, a gutty innovator, and perhaps most importantly, the embodiment of fortitude for anyone who roots for the underdog. There were many times were Apple's cornering of the niche market should have failed miserably. The wide-spread global presence of PCs and the "fad" nature of Apple's products should have doomed the company to become nothing but a staple of the best Super Bowl commercial rerun show, not a player in the modern computing world. Yet here we stand today, with Apple products dominating everything from popular culture to completely shifting the way the music industry is run. 

I urge you all to read Jobs' commencement speech from 2005 given to the graduating class at Stanford University. It is less a path to follow, but rather showcases the power of perseverance. 

RIP Steve.